Sunday, February 15, 2009

Ahh, Sunday

Can I just tell you how long it's been since I've...we've...had a lazy day. Today was one of those glorious stay in your pj's, get nothing done, take naps type of day. Mmm, yummy.

We got up at 6:30 this morning in order to go to church with my parents, since today was the day that they headed out to Portland in order to spend some time with my grandparents before they fly to Mexico on the 18th. That gave them one more chance to squeeze on the boys for a while before being gone for the next 3 1/2 months. Unfortunately, as a result of my unplanned mid-afternoon nap yesterday, I was unable to get to sleep until around 2 am last night and then Levi decided to start crying at about 4:45. So while Mom and Dad held the boys, Nathan and I attempted to not fall asleep in church.

After church, we indulged in some breakfast from McDonald's, and then both Nathan and I managed to get naps while the boys continued to sleep in their carseats for a little bit. How lucky are we that the boys love their carseats so much? I woke up about the time the boys start waking up to be fed, and then just hung out while Nathan fed the boys, after which I took over baby duty while Nathan made an early dinner of homemade chicken teriyaki. Yum! I got some great photos of the boys sitting in the recliner (those later) and a couple of videos of them smiling and giggling (also later).

During dinner, the boys sat in their bouncers next to the table. It's been so much fun getting to interact with the boys more and more each day, and dinner time tonight was no exception. Every time we looked at them, they would giggle, smile, and wiggle like crazy. It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. After dinner, Nathan and I each took a boy, plopped ourselves in the comfy chairs, and dozed in and out with the boys snuggled in with us. After that, it was feeding time at the zoo again, while Nathan took another nap (he's on baby duty tonight since I work tomorrow). Now the boys are taking naps in their swings, and Nathan and I are going to partake in some Mario Cart Wii. But!

Levi being a flirt.

Asher smiling.

The boys chillin' on the recliner. Asher left, Levi right.

Levi showing his...gums...again.

And the video!

Hope you enjoyed your Sunday as much as we did!

PS. I forgot to tell you that the boys had a Synagis appointment on Friday and they both weighed in at 11 lbs 1 oz!!! No wonder they feel so stinkin' heavy in their carseats!

1 comment:

Auntie Dani said...

OH MY GOSH! Those boys are so cute! I love the video! I wanna hold them so bad!