Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Reason For The Season

Here's wishing all of you an absolutely wonderful Christmas, filled with family, laughter, good food, and love! And that, above all, you remember why we even have this wondrous holiday.

As I sat in the Christmas Eve service at our church last night, holding Asher in my arms as he was staring into my eyes, I perhaps came a little closer to understanding what Mary felt when she first held Jesus in her arms. Would I be able to look into Asher's face and know that someday he was going to die for me? If I knew his future, would I be able to stand it? What a sacrifice. I don't know that I'd be able to stand aside and let him walk that road. Mary was a much stronger woman than I am.

And to think that such a sweet, innocent baby would become our Savior. Sometimes it's hard to connect the baby in the manger to the man who laid his life down for us. But just we celebrate the day that marked the beginning of our road to redemption...the Savior has come! Emmanuel! God is with us!

Thank you Lord, and Merry Christmas.

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