Friday, April 17, 2009

Aaaaand, I'm Back

Home sweet home. In the space of 30 hours, I drove a total of 12 hours, across the width of the state and back. I don't think I'll do that again...actually, don't quote me on that, the job search isn't over yet.

The interview went really really well, I feel like I answered all of their questions as well as I possibly could and now it's just up to them as to whether they think I'd be a good fit. I'm suppose to hear back by the beginning of week after next, so in about 9 or so days. Until then, I will be waiting on pins and needles. More about that later, it's 5:30 am and I'm tired.

Until then, tide yourself over with the following photo. And if this one isn't enough for you, head over to my photography blog to see more.

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